The oldest track & field blog on the internet

Sunday, December 17, 2006

I Won!

I'm Time Magazine's Person of the Year!

Oh...and you are too. That kind of ruins the exclusivity I was expecting.

I suppose it's a decent choice in a year without an obvious one, although a bit of a cop-out. That doesn't keep some people from bitching about it -- George F. Will says bloggers reek of narcissism (which he says on national TV without a note of irony), but others might argue we pose a threat to his kind of entrenched media power. Whatever. Google says the average blogger has one reader. I know who mine is, and he looks at me in the mirror every morning.

While Time tries to call the internets a revolutionary medium, the web as a democratic tool is merely a technological re-hash of the 19th-century penny press. Funny that Time makes this choice in the very same year that Net Neutrality became a big issue.


Unknown said...

hey, I read it, don't I get some credit?

Anonymous said...

You have a second reader as well....

We're expecting better quality out of this blog in 2007.

Here's looking at you, kid!